When a mysterious energy fluctuation is detected emanating from within the confines of a space station orbiting the red planet of Mars, a forgotten race of mythical creatures emerges from the depths of hiding, sending shockwaves throughout the cosmos.
The Spanish Conquistadors are marching through Aztec Empire, unaware of the grave danger that lurks beneath the waves. An age-old sea monster has awakened, a forgotten terror that has wreaked havoc in coastal cities. Time travelers have come to the past in search of answers, to discover what has awoken this monster and how it can be stopped.
In Tibet, a strange new being is born, launching a thrilling adventure that will shake the region to its core.
In 1800s Nashville, a collision of realities brings fantasy and horror to a city struggling with darkness.
As dynastic turmoil and technological advances converge, a fantastical world splits open in Tang Dynasty China, thrusting heroes into a quest for survival in a cyberpunk world.
Abandoned in the depths of space, a group of friends uncover a sinister secret in a derelict research station orbiting Jupiter - they have been transformed into vampires.
An unnatural sight has come to the Medieval Middle East: an overnight appearance of a magical carnival. Although at first look it brings joy and excitement to the golden age of Islam, something sinister lurks beneath its mystical facade. Those brave enough to enter should be wary, as the carnival might not bring only fun and games.
When an ancient ghost ship appears on the horizon of modern day Chicago, nobody could expect the undead pirates hidden aboard would bring chaos and destruction to the city. With their advanced technology and ancient magic, the crew threatens to enslave the city's futuristic metropolis. This is only the beginning of an epic science fiction ttrpg campaign set in the future of Chicago.
Set in a dystopian, criminal-laden Chicago of the 1920s, an ancient, mysterious being is born, stirring a tumultuous journey of danger and discovery.
As chaos engulfs China at the fall of the Tang Dynasty, an otherworldly being is born in an obscure corner, triggering a mysterious murder investigation to uncover dark and ancient secrets.
In the 1800s, when a fantastical reality collides with ours in Nashville, Tennessee, intrepid adventurers must overcome the odds to save the city.
A new being is born in China as the Qing Dynasty collapses, transforming the future of the nation as its strange powers emerge from obscure obscurity.
A traditional Japanese city discovers a new existence hidden beneath its urban sprawl. As the city is transformed, old secrets clash with emergent Otherworldly forces.
As a group of friends in 1920s Chicago, their night out ends with a deadly bite - turning them all into vampires and plunging them into a dark murder mystery.
After a night out, modern day Chicago friends are transformed into vampires and must battle for survival in a world of science and magic.
The hidden fantastical realm of Zaruun crashes into modern-day Chicago, ushering in chaos, mystery, and ancient magicks to the windy city.
Aliens invade Tibet, bringing chaos and destruction as they fight for control of the future. Survivors must band together to thwart the alien menace and save humanity.
In 907 A.D., China's fall heralds a fantastical reality that collides with our own, whereby the Tang Dynasty collapses to monsters, dragons, and alien worlds.
A group of friends explore a space station orbiting Jupiter, only to find themselves turned into vampires. Murder and mystery await as they discover what sinister force has befallen them.
When an alien invades futuristic New York, players must survive a cyberpunk dystopia to save humanity from extinction.
Friends are transformed into vampires when a strange ritual turns their joyous night in modern day New Orleans into a life-changing nightmare.
When a mysterious event collides the real and the fantastical, a group of strangers must unravel a supernatural conspiracy on an isolated space station orbiting Jupiter.
Gold rush California; vampire friends. Territory won with blood, outcomes unknown for the undead. What will follow?
An alien invasion of Chicago forces humans and bizarre, new creatures to fight for dominion of the city. Science and magic clash in a modern-day fantasy.
A strange being is born in unexpected Beijing, its existence unheard of, and its power a mystery to all. Future and science fiction clash at this new dawn.
The denizens of Jupiter's station brace as a vicious alien invades, ushering in a treacherous paranormal horror, and warning of darker forces to come.
As the Qing Dynasty falls, an alien presence invades China, warping minds and paths with its insidious influence. Fear the unknown as sanity unravels in this psychological horror.
An explosion of fantastical elements engulfs Chicago, as the world of science fantasy crashes into our own. Adventure awaits those brave enough to explore the new reality.
A mysterious force from beyond shatters reality in Beijing, blending our world with a fantastical one, sparking a sci-fi TTRPG campaign of adventure and discovery.
Aliens invade present-day Japan, shattering normality as advanced technology and cosmic horrors clash with modern life. Humanity rallies to survive the extraterrestrial onslaught.
A sinister presence has awoken in Tokyo, as a mysterious being is born in a forgotten location. Can a group of brave souls prevent a paranormal horror from engulfing the city?
The premise is to inspire you to run a radical campaign if you lack inspiration when starting to plan out an rpg campaign. Many ideas here may be fairly general, but once you take an interesting kernel, you can add other ideas + your own flavor to make it into an awesome idea.
All ideas are 100% generated by OpenAI's GPT-3 model. Based on initial prompts and user feedback, we continued to request that GPT-3 generate more. With time and continuous votes, the ideas generated by GPT-3 continue to improve based on your feedback and votes..
Please like ( ❤️ ) campaign ideas you think could be fun and dislike (✖) ideas that are not unique, don't sound fun, or have already been done too many times. Your likes and dislikes are fed back into OpenAI and is used to constantly train the model. Subsequently, the more feedback you provide, the better the next idea that comes up.